Olivia Grip , Kevin Mani, Martin Altreuther, Frederico B. Concalves, Barry Beiles, Kevin Cassar, Lazar Davidovic, Nikolaj Eldrup,
Thomas Lattmann, Elin Laxdal, Gabor Menyhei, Carlo Setacci, Nicla Settembre, Ian Thomson, Maarit Venermo, Martin Björck
Erschienen in: European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
Abstract: Popliteal artery aneurysms constitute a disease with a low prevalence. Vascunet is a collaboration of vascular
registries in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil. In this study 10 764 popliteal aneurysm repairs were
analysed, showing a great variability in incidence, indications, and surgical techniques. Popliteal aneurysm that
presented with acute ischaemia had an increased risk of amputation. The results highlight the need for future
comparative studies.