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by Halvachizadeh, Sascha; Leibovitz, Daniel; Held, Leonhard; Jensen, Kai Olivera; Pape, Hans-Christoph; Muller, Dominik; Neuhaus, Valentin

Excerpt from Abstract:

Reducing the burden of limited capacity on medical practitioners and public health systems requires a time-dependent characterization of hospitalization rates, such that inferences can be drawn about the underlying causes for hospitalization and patient discharge. The aim of this study was to analyze non-medical risk factors that lead to the discharge of trauma patients.

This study includes 226,708 patients, 118,059 male (age 48.18, standard deviation (SD) 22.34 years) and 108,649 female (age 62.57, SD 22.89 years) trauma patients.

in: Medicine: October 07, 2022 – Volume 101 – Issue 40 – p e31024

Full version online: https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/Fulltext/2022/10070/The_number_of_beds_occupied_is_an_independent_risk.59.aspx