Registry definitions
We can store individual filter definitions for each register. On this page you will find the generic field definitions and codes.
The transfer file (TRSF) contains all field definitions and codes as well as check algorithms and transcodes of a register family and its individual register filters. A tab filter is a special questionnaire that contains a selection of the fields of a tab family. The register family “AQC” contains for example the register filter “AQC RTTM (reduce to the max) for normal AQC entries, the register filter “VisHSM” for the database of highly specialized visceral surgery and the register “SMOB” for the database of the Swiss Morbid Obesity Study Group. These three tab filters have partly identical fields and fields that are transcoded into each other.
The transfer file is an Excel file that contains a series (tabs) of spreadsheets. The number of worksheets depends on the number of filters of a register family. The worksheets “Project name Main Form (Superior)”, “Spec. master data” and “Transcodes” are available by default. For example, the AQC project consists of 35 spreadsheets (tabs) in 2017.
The sheet “Project Name Main Form (Superior)” contains all field names and codes of the respective project. The codes are located in the column “Master data”; if a code is very long, it is transferred to the sheet “Special master data”. Furthermore, our mainform contains all filters of the project in extracts.
The check routines of the filters are documented on the other worksheets, as is the “mandatory” flag, pls. check columns Y and Z.
Zur Orientierung finden Sie hier das Transferfile des AQC-Projekts 2014:
Die Dokumente für Ihr spezifisches Projekt finden Sie hier:
Columns in the TRSF file
The main form is listed in the columns in A-V:
- Field_ID: Internal ID, one-to-one
- FeldNummer: in der Import-Datei vom KIS zu liefernde Feld-Nummer
- FieldName: technical field description
- FieldLabel (_fr/_it/_en/_cn): Title of the input field in the frontend
- FieldType: Type of the input field (e.g. RadioButtonList)
- FieldFormat: see following section “Field format
- MinValue / MaxValue: permissible input range. A value that falls below or exceeds this definition is not imported
- ControlParameter: internal value
- Master data (_fr/_it/_en/_cn): Field content where the user can make a choice (language-specific output in frontend)
- Remarks: internal
- Level: on which form level the field is displayed in the front end – for AQC: A0 = KL (case), A1 = OP (operation), A2 = ET (intervention part), B1 = GB (birth)
Register filters are listed in the columns >V. Each filter has a specific title, e.g. “2014 SGC Minimal Dataset” or “2015 AQC” and consists of the following five columns:
- Form_ID: if this is a number, the field is part of the corresponding filter
- Group: Grouping (display)
- Priority: order of the fields in the filter (position)
- Mandatory: how is it presented to the user in the frontend? (compulsory = black, optional = grey)
- Test routine: how is it tested? For example, a field can be optional in the input but still be checked in certain conditions (e.g. IsEmpty)
Field formats
- AN# – alphanumeric, number of letters/digits (TextBox, DropDownList, RadioButtonList, CustomTreeViewList)
- DA – date (TextBox)
- NU# – positive number, number of digits (TextBox, DropDownList, RadioButtonList, CustomTreeViewList)
- R/O – read only (Label, Literal, FormularGruppenTitel, CollapsiblePanel)
- SM – time hh:mm (TextBox)
- ZE – time hh:mm:ss (TextBox)
- DE99.99 – decimal number, digits before and after decimal point (TextBox)
- DE-99 / DE-99.99 – negative number oder negative decimal number (positive numbers possible, too) (TextBox)

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+41 44 450 10 64