Family SwissVasc/Shuntsurgery
Here you can find the technical documentation of the SwissVasc project with all transferfiles and adjustments of the past years.
Adjustments to the forms and transfer files usually take place once a year. If one year is missing from the list, no adjustments were made during this period.
FAQs – frequently asked questions
Adjustments and Transfer Files
FAQs about the family SwissVasc/Shuntsurgery
Is there a deadline for the data entry?
Yes, there is. The data for the previous year must be entered by 31 March of each year.
How can I see which details are still missing in my pending cases?
- Please log into AdjumedCollect at for this purpose.
- Select the menu item “close cases”.
- Limit your search by the entry date (from – to) or check all cases by clicking on the “search” button.
- You now have the choice between:
– Verify cases – email case log: Background check. You will receive a log with detailed error messages, which will be sent by e-mail (recommended option).
– Verify Cases – download case log: Check on the page. Log with detailed error messages as a pop-up
– Verify cases: Check on the page. Only feedback on number of errors (you can see details when you hover your mouse over the question mark icon)
You can use the error logs to see for which case and field mandatory information is missing.
Where can I find the SwissVasc logbook?
- You can find the SwissVasc logbook at
- Instructions on how to export your interventions from AdjumedCollect to the SwissVasc logbook can be found here (in german).
Adjustments and Transfer Files
Change of year 2024
Annual Adjustment 2023
Transferfile 2023
Changes as of 01.01.2023
1. The [20518 6654] CHOP (ANG3/GEF3/GEFA) field (effective 2023) has been expanded to reflect the new CHOP codes.
The following codes have been added:
- 39.7A.09 Endovascular implantation of stent-grafts [stent prostheses] in other vessels, other
- 39.B3.C3 (Percutaneous) transluminal implantation of covered stents without drug release, iliac artery
- 38.45.13 Resection of thoracoabdominal aorta with replacement
- 38.44.00 Resection of abdominal aorta with replacement, n.d.
- 38.64.20 Other excision of abdominal aorta
- 38.64.99 Other excision of aorta, other
- 38.36.17 Resection of iliac artery with anastomosis
- 38.66.18 Other excision of iliac artery
- 39.52.29 Other correction of aneurysm of aorta, other
- 39.52.99 Other correction of aneurysm, other
- 39.24 Aorto-renal bypass
- 39.55 Reimplantation of aberrant renal vessel
- 39.29.32 Axillo-(bi)-femoral bypass
- 39.29.33 Femoro-femoral crossover bypass
- 39.25.21 ilio-iliac bypass
- 39.25.22 ilio-femoral bypass
- 39.54.21 Re-entry surgery, abdominal aorta, open surgical
- 39.54.22 Re-entry surgery, abdominal aorta, endovascular approach
- 39.54.91 Re-entry surgery, other vessels, open surgical
2. Integration of the recording “degree of stenosis carotid”
The following fields were newly integrated:
- [20545 1787] degree of stenosis according to NASCET
- [20546 1769] Stenosis progressive
Annual Adjustment 2022
Transferfile 2022
Changes as of 01.01.2022
- For optional documentation of the CHOP code, the new field [15531 6654] CHOP (ANG3/GEF3/GEFA) (effective 2021) was introduced.
- The new field [173 119] Teaching Assistance was introduced to document a teaching intervention
- Shunt Module: The input of reinterventions within FollowUps has been restructured
- Shunt Module: The following new fields were implemented as part of the restructuring of the FollowUps:
- [17686 1838] FU12: date of reintervention
- [17685 1836] FU6: date of reintervention
- [4978 4212] FU3: Reintervention
Annual Adjustment 2021
Transferfile 2021
Changes as of 01.01.2021
- General change: The code “[99] no SGG surgical code” is no longer valid for the field “[4874 2894] SGG surgical code (manual correction/precision)” as of 2021 and has been moved to the field “[4872 634] Interventions outside SGG surgical code (manual correction/precision)”.
- Change at the filter SwissVasc ZH hospitals (Attention, this filter is only relevant for Zurich hospitals): The field “[15531 979] ANG3/GEF3/GEFA additional code Zurich hospitals (from 2021)” has been adapted according to the CHOP code changes of 2021 and is valid from 01.01.2021. The new code list can be taken from the TRSF.
Annual Adjustment 2020
Transferfile 2020
Changes as of 01.01.2020
- New conditional-mandatory field [6790] “Diameter aneurysm in mm” in level A2 (procedure section). The field is to be filled in only if field [220] “leading vessel pathology” was filled in with code 2 “aneurysm verum”.
- When recording the creatinine value, it is now possible to choose between recording in μmol/l or mg/dl. The default is set to μmol/l. GFR and KDOQI classification are then automatically calculated when saving.
Changes during the year 2019
Changes concerning SwissVasc (23.07.2019):
- The field [3445 219] “treated vascular segment” must be filled in if the field [3438 212] “Technical approach” was filled in with 1 (vascular operation: open surgery) or 2 (endovascular intervention).
Changes concerning SwissVasc (19.03.2019):
- The field [71] “Patient was informed of these statistics” was extended by the code 3 “active refusal”.
- The field [431] “Type of complication (2018) ” has been extended by the code 300 “Other complications”.
- The new calculated field [4635] “Time difference between stroke and date of index OP (calculated)” has been inserted under the chapter [4768] “1 Follow up after 30 days”.
- The new optional field [4636] “Reason why no follow-up should be recorded” has been moved to the chapter [4767] “Hospital discharge”.
- The codes of the field [234] “nicotine / smoking” were formulated gender-fairly (only applies to german wording).
Changes regarding Shuntsurgery:
- New field 1214 “Case for shunt surgery? (System)” was introduced. When opening several SwissVasc intervention parts, an equal number of (empty) shunt intervention parts were opened for which the checks did not work correctly. This is fixed by the new field.
Annual Adjustment 2019
Transfer file 2019
- Field 712 “Date of death only approximately known” incl. the options got deleted Instead, the new field 782 “Date of death only approximately known” was added with a checkbox.
- The fields 1211 “Last date known alive” and 1212 “Date of death” are additionally displayed in the case details. These are merely “copy fields”, which are displayed for better information when the case is opened.
- The group “30 Days FollowUp” was renamed to “1 Follow Up after 30 Days”.
- New conditional-mandatory field 1481 “Assessment of neurological impairment with modified Rankin Score “; level A0 (hospital part). The field will not be retrospectively inserted in the questionnaires before 2019. For details see TRSF (Transferfile).
- New codes for field 431 “Type of complication (2018)”:
• > 68 – Postoperative bleeding with surgical revision
• > 135 – Respiratory insufficiency with intubation
• > 222 – Peripheral sensitive nerve lesion
• > 232 – TIA (transient ischemic attack)
Changes regarding Shuntsurgery:
- The name of field 224 “Material used” has been changed to “What material/graft/devices was used?”. The field number remains the same.
2018 Annual Adjustment
Transfer file 2018
Code change in field “[4866 431] Type of complication (2018)” as of 07.09.2018:
Old codes:
- Code 70: local wound infection / wound edge necrosis (with therapeutic intervention including antibiotics)
- Code 70: hemorrhagic shock
New codes:
- Code 70: local wound infection / wound edge necrosis (with therapeutic intervention including antibiotics)
- Code 65: hemorrhagic shock
Changes to the questionnaire per 01.07.2018:
- Field no. 431 “Type of complication (2018)”: Additional Code [70] “hemorrhagic shock” introduced
- Field no. 1469 “Type of exit”: Code [11] “Transfer to another hospital” has been removed and is no longer permitted with immediate effect
Note: Please note the updated TRSF (Transferfile) for the project SwissVasc 2.0
Changes to the questionnaire as of 19.02.2018:
All field names, codes, wrapper names and templates have been translated to French (with many thanks to Dr. Danzer).
Changes to the questionnaire as of 1.1.2018:
- Shifting the Follow-Up from level A2 to level A0
- Acknowledgement matrix refined
- Embedding of extended SGG-OP code
Further changes in detail:
- Field no. 42 “Stay after exit” has been deleted.
Field no. 71 “Patient was informed about these statistics” became a mandatory field
Field no. 338 “Collect risk factors?” has been newly introduced - Field no. 44 „Type of exit“ with the Codes:
[1] healed (expected result achieved)
[2] improved
[3] not improved / unchanged
[4] declined
[5] not assessable
[6] exitus intraoperative
[7] exitus postoperative
[8] exitus without relating on surgery
[9] exitus after exit / transfer (up to 30 days after surgery)
[10] transfer to another hospital
changes to the field with the field no. 1469 „Type of exit“ with the Codes:
[10] healed (expected result achieved)
[11] transfer to another hospital
[12] improved
[13] not improved / unchanged
[14] declined
[90] not assessable - Field no. 239 “Date of death” has been moved from [66] “Exit” to [4856 ] “death information” and is now an optional field.
- Field no. 3635 “Last date alive” was introduced in section [4856 ] “death information”.
- The column [4862] ” 30 days follow up” was combined with the fields with the field no. 113 „Collect more outcome parameters at discharge from hospital? (2018)“ and field no. 1478 „Should a 30-day follow-up be recorded for the index intervention?“ introduced.
- The heading [4768 ] “1 Follow Up after 30 days” has been re-inserted together with the following fields:
Field no. 1431 „SGG OP code of index operation (calculated)”
Field no. 1473 „Index operation: OP date”
Field no. 1434 „Number of days after index operation (calculated)”
Field no. 1433 „Date of Follow Up“
Field no. 1435 „Is the patient deceased?”
Field no. 1437 „Did the patient suffer a stroke?“
Field no. 992 „Date of stroke“
Field no. 1439 „Stroke during carotid interventions“
Field no. 978 „Has the patient suffered a myocardial infarction since the last index surgery?“
Field no. 995 „Date of myocardial infarction“
Field no. 423 „Did you perform a vascular reconstruction? (2018)“
Field no. 1479 „Should a later follow up for the index intervention be recorded?“ - The following new fields have been introduced in the surgery statistics:
Field no. 356 „Surgery start“
Field no. 104 „Type of surgery“
Field no. 101 „Complications as surgery reason?“
Field no. 102 “Code of the pre-operation, which causes the complication”. - The following changes took place in the intervention part:
Field no. 1467 “This intervention counts as an index operation” has been newly inserted
Field no. 2895 “SGG-OP-Code (calculated)” has been changed to field no. 2895 „SGG OP code (calculated/not changeable) (2018)“
Field no. 2894 “SGG-OP-Code (manual input)” became field no. 2894 “SGG OP code (manual entry/clarification) (2018)”
Field no. 843 “SGG OP code extended (calculated)” was added to Field No. 635 “SGG OP code extended (calculated/not changeable) (2018)”
Field no. 842 “SGG OP code extended (manual entry)” has been changed to Field no. 634 “SGG OP code extended (manual entry) (2018)”. - The column [3606] “30 days follow up” has been removed, because the column [4768 ] “1 Follow Up after 30 days” allows a more detailed documentation.
2017 Annual Adjustment
Any questions? Our hotline is here to help:
+41 44 450 10 64