Family MIBB
Here you can find the technical documentation of the MIBB project with all transferfiles and adjustments of the past years.
Adjustments to the forms and transfer files usually take place once a year. If one year is missing in the list, no adjustments were made during this period.
FAQs – frequently asked questions
Project documentation
Adjustments and TransferFiles
Project documentation
FAQs for the MIBB family
How can I account for a MIBB report?

How can I check into my MIBB data?
Which operations count so that they will be published on
For an operation to count, the case status in AdjumedCollect must be “closed”, i.e. all mandatory fields must be filled in and the case must have passed the check without an error message.
MIBB operations involving several operators can only be attributed to one principal operator.
The date of intervention (field no. 100) determines the year to which the surgery is counted and not the beginning of the case (field no. 363) date. For example, the start of the case (first contact with the patient) was in November 2017, the operation took place in January 2018. This case is therefore attributed to the year 2018.
When will the centres and operators be published annually on
The deadline for MIBB entries is 30 April each year.
In May, a circular e-mail will be sent to all hospital managers and MIBB operators asking them to check the provisional list of centres and operators and to provide feedback.
The final list of centres and operators will be published in June each year for the previous year.
What do I have to do as a MIBB operator when I change hospitals?
If you will continue to perform MIBBs at your new workplace, please email with your former/new hospital and your previous/new operator number. Then we can use this information to transfer the operation history to the new hospital.
If, on the other hand, you no longer wish to be included on the list of surgeons, please also send an e-mail to stating your existing hospital and your surgeon number.
I am interested in becoming a MIBB operator or would like to join the MIBB membership with my clinic. What do I have to do and what are the costs?
Adjustments and TransferFiles
Annual Adjustment 2023
Annual Adjustment 2021
Annual Adjustment 2020
Annual Adjustment 2019
Transfer file 2019
No adjustments to the questionnaire, but new calculated fields were inserted in the MainForm, which allows a special evaluation of histology, subsequent hilstology and up- or downgrade.
The new fields are:
- Field [1097] « Classified histological result of the VAB»
- Field [1098] « Classified histological result of the subsequent open surgery»
- Field [1100] «Classified short result of the subsequent open surgery»
- Field [1101] «Confirmation, up- or downgrade»
The special evaluation will be available to all MIBB responsibles at the beginning of 2019 and can be generated directly in AdjumedAnalyze with just a few clicks.
2018 Annual Adjustment
Adjustments before 2018

Any questions? Our hotline is here to help:
+41 44 450 10 64