Here you can find the technical documentation for the AQC family with all transfer files and adaptations of the past years. The AQC family also includes the registers HSM Visceral Surgery (VisHSM), Swiss Morbid Obesity Study Group (SMOB) and Anatomical Resections of the Swiss Society of Thoracic Surgery (Thor1).
Adjustments to the forms and transfer files usually take place once a year. If one year is missing from the list, no adjustments were made during this period.
Project Documentation
Information from the Project Management
FAQs – frequently asked questions
Adjustments and Transferfiles
Project Documentation
- Watch and wait Strategie HSM
- Watch and wait Stratégie MHS
- Clavien-Dindo Classification
- Memo zur Kontrolle der VisHSM-Daten
- Mémo pour le contrôle des données VisMHS
- Manual zur Dateneingabe VisHSM 2022
- Manuel pour la saisie des données VisMHS 2022
- HSM 2020 obligatorische und berechnete Felder nach Gebieten
- Thoraxchirurgie / Anatomische Resektionen (Thor1): Datenreglement
Information from the Project Management
FAQs about the family AQC/HSM/SMOB/THOR1
The system indicates that cases cannot be closed due to the error message "HSM code missing". However, I have entered an HSM code. What is the reason for this?
This message usually occurs if an HSM case consists of several intervention parts and one of these intervention parts is NOT an HSM intervention.
Please enter an appropriate code for each intervention part. The intervention parts which are not HSM intervention parts are coded with the code 00.00.00. Check the case again afterwards.
Is there a deadline for entering and closing HSM cases?
How can I close a case if it is assigned to several projects (e.g. AQC and HSM)?
How can I use AQC data for research?
Resolution of the 2019 AQC Assembly on data use:
- We are fundamentally interested in ensuring that the 1.5 million AQC records are also used in the interest of patients and their physicians.
- Any and all interested parties can make requests to provide anonymized data
- If the request comes from a non-AQC member, we will look for a “godfather” within AQC
- In accordance with Section 14 of the AQC Regulations, the inquiries are submitted to the head of the AQC and the head of the AQC makes the following written decisions
- A paper generated from the data (or its abstract) will be posted on the homepage
- If the request comes from a non-AQC member, the expenses of the administrative office incl. contribution to the system costs invoiced. The AQC office undertakes to donate the contribution collected to the non-profit T Foundation ( Of course, compensation for expenses can also be made directly through a donation to the T-Foundation. Compensation for expenses is not mandatory and their amount is within the decision-making authority of the head of the AQC office. The donations are shown individually on the T-Foundation’s homepage.
Adjustments and Transferfiles
Changes as of 01.01.2024
Adjustments per 01.01.2023
Adjustments per 13.10.2022
- The option “M1c” has been added to the [110 60] “M stage” field.
Adjustments per 01.01.2022
- The codes from the Elixhauser index were integrated in field [60 66] “Preoperative risks”. The following code changes were made (the complete code list can be found in TRSF 2022):
- New Codes:
- 61 Other paresis/paralysis11 EX [11] Cardiac arrhythmia
- 12 EX [12] Valvular heart disease
- 13 EX [13] Pulmonary type. Hypertension or similar
- 15 EX [15] Art. Hypertension, uncomplicated
- 16 EX [16] Art. Hypertension, complicated
- 19 EX [19] COPD (CI1)
- 632 Other chronic lung disease (CI1)
- 651 Ulcer disease with bleeding (K27.9) (CI1)
- 652 Ulcer disease without bleeding (K27.9) (CI1)
- 22 EX [22] Hypothyroidism
- 34 EX [34] Fluid/electrolyte disorders
- 35 EX [35] Loss anemia
- 36 EX [36] deficiency anemia
- 32 EX [32] Obesity
- 33 EX [33] Weight loss
- 39 EX [39] Psychosis
- 40 EX [40] Depression
- 1041 Psychiatric disease
- 18 EX [18] Other neurological diseases
- Codes that no longer exist:
- 63 Chronic lung disease (CI1)
- 65 Ulcer disease (K27.9) (CI1)
- 104 Neurological/psychatr. Disease
- New Codes:
- The field [901 50] “Complications intraop. Severity” has been replaced by a new field [17376 52] “Complications intraop. Severity Classintra.” The codes are new:
Grad | Code to be transmitted |
Grade 0 | 245 |
Grade I | 600 |
Grade II | 601 |
Grade III | 602 |
Grade IV | 603 |
Grade V | 604 |
- The fields of the EuroQol questionnaire will be changed from EuroQol 3D to EuroQol 5D as of 01.01.2022.
Adjustments HSM
- The new calculated field [17681 108] “VisHSM FollowUp survey required? (System)” has been added for a better overview of the FollowUps.
Restructuring of the FollowUps: Only relevant FollowUps are now shown and hidden. At the same time, the new field [17608 551] “Reason for death” must be filled in for a 30-day mortality.
Adjustments SMOB
- New codes have been implemented for the [17561 2000] “SMOB Op code 2022” field:
- 9011 “Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty primary” (text adaptation)
- 9012 “Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty revision” (new)
- 9013 “Endoscopic revision anastomosis after surgical intervention” (new)
- The field [17667 8748] “Metabolic Surgery” was newly implemented in the procedure level. If metabolic surgery was performed, this can be documented from 2022.
Adjustments per 01.01.2021
- The field [1973 3334]”CRM unknown” (checkbox) will be replaced from 2021 with the field [15521 6474]”CRM unknown or not applicable?” (dropdown) with the codes [9] “CRM unknown” and [0] “CRM not applicable”.
The [109 59] “N stage” field has been expanded to include the values N3a and N3b.
The value U07.1 (COVID-19) has been added to field [8060 45] “Principal diagnosis”.
The value U07.1 (COVID-19) has been added to field [8061 368] “Additional diagnosis”.
The value U07.1 (COVID-19) has been added to field [8062 47] “Additional diagnosis”.
Adjustments per 01.01.2020
Attention: Due to an unfortunate bug the codes displayed in the transfer file for the fields
– [126] “Complications intraoperatively Type”
– [51] “Complications case-related type”
– [127] “Complications postoperatively Type”
are incorrect. Please use the following files as a basis for the codes:
– Komplikationsliste AQC 2020
– Liste des complications AQC 2020
*This bug has been fixed. The transfer files are complete again.
Adjustments HSM
The following changes are made to the VisHSM filter per 01.01.2020:
• Change as of 07/15/2020: in the category “Case-related general complications”, the type of complication can now be entered as free text. The field “[4919] Type of complication (for Clavien-Dindo)” is available for this purpose. This new field is optional. The field “[51] Complications case-related type” has been removed.
• The field [2961] “Distance from ano unknown” is no longer available and is deleted
• Field [2973] “Date of start of adjuvant chemotherapy” for malignant pancreas becomes optional. (However, the field “[2972] adjuvant chemotherapy” remains mandatory).
• For the “[2951] Date of tumor diagnosis” field, the following new rule applies: Both the collection, receipt, or exit date in the pathology report are correct. At the same time, the entry in the Watch&Wait field is required as of 2020
• The relevant CHOP and ICD codes remain unchanged from 2019.
• Laterality of the main treatment [556] : field has been completely removed.
• M stage [60] : As of 01.01.2020, the value Mx is no longer valid.
Adjustments SMOB
The following adjustments are made to the SMOB filter per 01.01.2020:
- Based on the CHOP codes “44.31.41 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, open surgical” and “44.31.42 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic”, which are recognized as SMOB operations, the new SMOB codes “2003 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, open surgical” and “2004 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic”, which do not count as complex, are introduced.
- In addition, code “9011 Endoscopic suture procedures” was already introduced this year as a bare-bones SMOB code of interest.
Details on the SMOB codes and transcodes to CHOP codes can be found at:
General adjustments (AQC, HSM, SMOB etc.)
- An automatically filled department entry date (field 6779) is introduced so that the entry date (field 363) is clearly related to the hospital entry date. The same happens with the discharge date (hospital field 16 / department field 6780).
- The complications in the fields “Complications case-related type” (field 51), “Complications intraoperative type” (field 126) and “Complications postoperative type” (field 127) have been “streamlined” and re-sorted.
2019: Adjustments during the year
MoMo filter
The new filter for MoMo conferences (morbidity and mortality conferences) is now available to all AQC participants. MoMo conferences are an important tool in connection with unusual treatment processes or unexpected deaths and are intended to facilitate controls, knowledge exchange and improvements. This filter provides you with a file manager that supports easy uploading and downloading of any file. This gives you instant access to the relevant electronic patient records while discussing a case.
We thank Prof. David Schwappach of the Patient Safety Foundation for his valuable input. We are pleased to support the FMCH in its action plan 2019/2020 and to promote and further develop the MoMo conference as an instrument to improve patient safety.
2019 Annual Adjustment
Transferfile 2019
No changes to the questionnaire from 2018 to 2019. Please note that CHOP codes 2019 and ICD codes 2018 are valid from 01.01.2019.
Adjustments in 2018
Adjustments to the French translations of main, additional, and secondary diagnoses(06.11.2018)
- The fields with field number 45 (Hauptdiagnose), 368 (Zusatzdiagnose) and 47 (Nebendiagnose) can now be better distinguished in French.
New OP-Code for nicht-Thor1-Eingriffe (20.9.2018)
- New in the field Op codes SIWF thoracic surgery is the code 00.00 “kein thor1-Eingriff (aber thor1-Fall)”.
This is needed to capture cases with several procedures but only one anatomical resection.
Adjustments to Checks HSM allgemein (18.08.2018)
- Field no. 2951 “Datum der Tumordiagnose” and field no. 1302 “Datum des ersten Tumorboards” each now have their own “unknown” checkbox. The new checkbox no. 1729 “Datum des Tumorboards unbekannt / kein Tumorboard was introduced for this purpose.
The change concerns the HSM questionnaire 2018 and is effective immediately. There is no effect on cases that have already been entered.
2018 Annual Adjustment
Transferfile 2018
General Adjustments
- Field no. 9 «Aufenthalt vor Eintritt»; level A0 (Fall-Statistik)
- New codes 55, 66, 83, 84
- For details check the TRSF (Transfer file)
- Field no. 42 «Aufenthalt nach Austritt»; level A0 (Fall-Statistik)
- New codes 44, 55, 66
- For details check the TRSF (Transfer file)
- New facultative field no. 555 «Seitigkeit der Hauptdiagnose»; level A0 (Fall-Statistik)
- For details check the TRSF (Transfer file)
- New facultative field no. 556 «Seitigkeit der Hauptbehandlung»; level A2 (Eingriff)
- For details check the TRSF (Transfer file)
Adjustments HSM
Adjustments VisHSM
- Field 3010 «HSM OP Code»
- Additional OP code «Z45.95.11: Dünndarm-Anus-Anastomose mit Bildung eines Reservoirs» is now assigned to VIS 1.5 (Tiefe Rektumresektion) (without combination with ICD)
- New field 1776 «Datum Ende neo-adjuvante Therapie»
- Must also be completed if neo-adjuvant therapy is present.
- New field 456 «Datum Ende neo-adjuv. “Therapie unbekannt“, if date unknown.
- New field 454 «Datum Todestag unbekannt»
- New field 459 «Datum Beginn adjuv. Chemotherapie unbekannt»
- Field no. 2775 «Nummer Studie/Register»
- Alphanumeric values are now also accepted
- Field no. 2776 «Datum Tumorboard Entscheid»
- Used by W&W as entry date. Adjumed requires a date for case identification, depending on the system.
- Field no. «Aufenthalt nach Austritt»
- Codes 4, 44, 7, 10, 30 now hidden (ausgeblendet)
- System field 3008 «HSM Fall Art (System)»: Extended by these codes
- «11 Rektum Proktokolektomie»
- «12 Rektum maligne Erkrankung» (as add-on to the existing code 1).
- System fields do not have to be transmitted, they are inserted automatically by us.
- System field 3823 «HSM Eingriff Art (System)»: Extended by these codes:
- «11 Rektum Proktokolektomie»
- «12 Rektum maligne Erkrankung».
- System fields do not have to be transmitted, they are inserted automatically by us.
Adjustments to check HSM in general
- Field 2960 „Distanz ab ano (starre Rektoskopie) (cm)“: nnew with Min/Max 0-12
- Field 64 “Anzahl Lymphknoten befallen” must not be greater than field 63 “Lymphknoten entfernt”
- IF field 64 “Anzahl Lymph-Knoten befallen” = 0, THEN field 59 “N-Stadium” = N0 (and not N1 or N2)
- IF field 59 “N-Stadium” = N0, THEN field 64 “Anzahl Lymph-Knoten befallen” must not be unequal to 0
- IF field 889 „Clavien-Dindo Komplikation“ = V, THEN field 2956 „30-Tages Mortalität“ must equal = 1. In this case, a date of death must also be entered (field 2957 “Datum Todestag”) (or date of death unknown is checked). [At the moment this is only marked as information and not as an error, since a clarification is still in progress].
- IF field 3823 “HSM Eingriff Art (System):” = [2] Pankreas AND 3007 “maligne oder benigne (Pankreas)” = 1 (maligne)
THEN field 2973 “Datum Beginn adjuvante Chemotherapie” >= 100 “Operationsdatum” - IF field 3823 “HSM Eingriff Art (System)” = [3] Leber AND field 3005 “maligne oder benigne (Leber)” = 1 (maligne) AND 2977 “Resektionsrand (Leber)” = 0
THEN field Feld 61 “Chirurgische Resektion” ≠ R0 - IF field 2958 “Histologischer Tumortyp” = [1] Adenokarzinom, [2] Plattenepithelkarzinom
THEN field 3007 “maligne oder benigne (Pankreas)” ≠ [2] benigne
Field 3005 “maligne oder benigne (Leber)” ≠ [2] benigne
Field 3006 “maligne oder benigne (Oesophagus)” ≠ [2] benigne - IF field 2968 “CRM (circumferential resection margin) (mm)” >= 1
THEN field 61 “Chirurgische Resektion” = R0 - IF field 2968 “CRM (circumferential resection margin) (mm)”< 1
THEN field Feld 61 “Chirurgische Resektion” ≠ R0
Adjustments to Watch&Wait Checks
- Field no.16: «Austrittsdatum» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 30 : «Körpergewicht (kg)» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 32: «Körpergrösse (cm)» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Feld Nr. 42: «Aufenthalt nach Austritt» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 66: «Präoperative Risiken» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 362 : «ASA-Risikostufe» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no 889: «Höchster Grad aller Komplikationen gemäss Clavien-Dindo» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 2956:«30 Tage Mortalität» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
- Field no. 2995: «Re-Operation gleiche Hosp.» no mandatory field for Watch&Wait
Adjustments SMOB
No adjustments from 2017 to 2018.
2017 Annual Adjustment
Transferfile 2017
General Adjustments
- «Klinikstatistik» is renamed to «Fallstatistik»
- Bei den Präoperativen Risiken [Feld 66] alte Codes wieder zeigen:
- 143 Alkoholabusus
- 144 Nikotinabusus
- 145 Drogenabusus i.v. / Medikamente
- C. Antibiotika-Prophylaxe/Therapie [35] neu fakultativ
- Thromboembolie-Prophylaxe/Therapie [36] neu fakultativ
- Case-related complications: Code 447 only „Harnverhalt“
- Laparoskopie/Endoskopie [77] neu obligatorisch mit neuen / umbenannten Codes:
- 650 minimalinvasiver Eingriff
- 651 Konversion minimalinv
- 652 offener Eingriff
- 653 computerunterstützter Eingriff
- 654 Konversion computerunterstützt
- 655 mikrochirurgischer Eingriff
- Number FFP intraoperable [125] neu fakultativ
- Number EC-Konz. intraoperable [123] neu fakultativ
- Art der Transfusion [131] neu fakultativ
Adjustments HSM
- New: Watch-and-wait field in the operations part with the consequences for the exams.
- Proctocolectomy: Differentiated examinations of the rectal fields.
Changes SMOB
No changes from 2016 to 2017.
2016 Annual Adjustments
Transferfile 2016
General Adjustments
- Erweiterung von Feld: “[71] Patient wurde über diese Statistik informiert” um
- [2] aktive Zustimmung
- [9] unbekannt
- Erweiterung von Feld: “[58] T-Stadium” um
- [T1a]
- [T1b]
- [T2a]
- [T2b]
- [T3a]
- [T3b]
- Erweiterung von Feld: “[60] M-Stadium” um
- [M1a]
- [M1b]
Adjustments HSM
- New codes according to…/leistungsgruppen.html#a-content
Adjustments SMOB
No changes from 2015 to 2016.
2015 Annual Adjustment
Transferfile 2015
General Adjustments
No adjustments from 2014 to 2015.
Adjustments HSM
- Neues Feld: [3490] HSM Index-Operation
- Neues Feld: [3495] HSM Abgeschlossen (System)
- New test: HSM Index-Operation may only be set 1x per case
- New test: If HSM-Filter checked succesfully, HSM-Abgeschlossen on “Yes” (even if case still “pending” because of other projects).
- Neue Prüfung: [2996] Anastomoseninsuffizienz (Rektum) nachträglich auf Pflichtfeld geändert
- Neue Prüfung: [118] 1. Assist. Surgeon-No. subsequently changed to mandatory field
Adjustments SMOB
No adjustments from 2014 to 2015.
Any questions? Our hotline is here to help:
+41 44 450 10 64