Seamless connections – according to your needs. The system is generically structured, high performant and has flexible input and output possibilities. We can connect your hospital information system (KIS) directly or you can use our batch procedure and decide yourself when data will be available for quality assurance.
Our system has grown over the years, especially thanks to its openness, which is also reflected in the many interfaces. We provide interfaces to KISIM, Phoenix, Nexus, Polypoint, Celsius37, ODSeasy, INES, IS-Med, Ibitech, Wigasoft, Ambucare and HIN Medical Boards.
Webservice – the optimal interface
Your direct line to Our bi-directional web service interface is based on SOAP and enables the automatic exchange of data in XML format. With the help of this interface you can implement a high-performance connection of your KIS to AdjumedCollect.
The automatic data exchange between KIS and AdjumedCollect allows both the creation of new cases in AdjumedCollect and the modification of existing cases in AdjumedCollect. The data from your KIS is transmitted to us immediately and is always up-to-date. All cases are validated during transmission and are then immediately ready for evaluation.
After the web service transmission, a test report is transmitted back to the KIS/PDMS, which contains not only the test result but also a link to the case to be further processed in the AdjumedCollect.
- Please request Adjumed Webservice V1.5 by mail
- Adjumed XML Specification V1.1
- Adjumed XSD testscheme
XML format
[code language="css"]
Batch procedure
Export and import are possible in these formats:
- AQC format (ASCII)
- Excel format (XLS resp. XLSX)
- XML-Format (e.g. DGU and DKG)
An existing case is completely deleted during import and replaced with the new data.
Each case is assigned to a year according to the start of the case (date of entry). For example, cases with a case start in 2014 will be imported into the 2014 import form, those with a case start in 2015 will be imported into the 2015 form, etc. If follow-up care is required in 2015 for a 2014 case, the entire case – including the the added aftercare – will be imported again with the 2014 form. To do this, the export files must be separated by case year or the file must be imported into several year import filters. Cases not matching the year are skipped.
AQC Format uses the “AQC format” developed by Adjumed Services. This is line-based and therefore easily expandable.
Each record is characterised as follows:
- ASCII file
- field descriptors and contents limited by pipe characters | (ASCII 124)
- Each field on one line, any desired order
- Descriptor definition and example:
- Klinik|Eintrittsdatum|PID|OperationsNr.|OpTeilNr.|Prio|FeldNummer|FeldWert
99|12.04.2014|123456|0|1|0|165|1 - A case is described by the combination of clinic number, date of admission and patient number
- In the above example, the first line contains information on the case, the second line contains information on the operation and the third line contains information on the intervention part. In the fourth line you can see the second operation code of the first part of the first operation. In the second last line you can see the first OP code of the second part of the second operation. And in the last line you see the sex of the first child.
- The entries should be unique. For example, in addition to the clinic statistics, the first part of the first operation statistics (date of operation, start of operation, type of operation, …) should only be transmitted once per intervention (part of the surgery).
- The name of the file should have the following pattern: AQCXXXX.YY. YY is the year and XXXX the clinic number
(Example: AQC0042.00 for the year 2000 of clinic number 42)
Any questions? Our hotline is here to help:
+41 44 450 10 64