+41 44 450 10 64 info@adjumed.com
Available For all Hospitals – Free Participation – Join Now!

Now you can watch our first introduction video!

This page is intended for medical professionals. Patients can find further information on https://c19reg.org

We know too little about COVID-19. But a few thousand documented cases will make a difference. This is why we have designed our COVID-19 declaration system as a register.

Our system is now at your disposal and free of charge – register as a doctor or as a hospital now!

COVID-19 declarations:

The COVID-19 declarations are generated as DOCX files for further processing / transmission. This gives you or your hospital an initial overview of the COVID-19 declarations that have been made. In addition, you can complete the declaration informations by answering questions that are currently of interest.

The use of the Adjumed.net system for COVID-19 reports is free of charge for all Swiss hospitals.

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Online data acquisition and creation of declartions

To what extent the cantonal doctors and then the FOPH will pick up the ball and also receive and forward the COVID-19 declarations electronically (both of which already function technically), we cannot say today. Requests to the offices are currently ongoing. But in any case, with our solution the hospital has a functioning, transparent system at its disposal, which allows the entry and transmission of COVID-19 declarations by several persons and the evaluation of the recorded aspects, independent of location and installation.

CISTEC/KISIM was the first hospital information system to set up an online web service interface, with which the data can be transferred directly from KISIM to the Adjumed.net COVID-19 declaration system and registry. Data which are or have been entered for the KISIM declaration forms can be imported into the Adjumed.net declaration and registry system in a batch procedure.

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Online KISIM interface

Advantages of the COVID-19 declaration system with Adjumed.net

The main advantages of our tried-and-tested, high-performance multi-centric solution that meets all data protection requirements are obvious:

For the hospitals and their admitters:

  • Clear, simple, time-saving, structured recording with overlapping questionnaires.
  • Own lists of reported cases can be easily generated. This way you keep the overview.
  • Multicentric and multi-user input, all admitters working on the same system
  • Possibility to import patients / cases in various formats.
  • Expandable by general and individual questions

For cantonal doctors and FOPH:

  • Minutely exact query of the status
  • Full statistical capabilities
  • No more manual data entry / data transmission necessary (accordingly no manual source of error)
  • Flexible system that can be expanded at any time (also with patient involvement)


Thanks to the help of PD Dr. Valentin Neuhaus (head of the AQC), we have created a very first questionnaire, which complements the BAG declarations and hopefully quickly provides reliable data on COVID-19.

Regardless of whether the hospital uses our system for FOPH declarations, everyone is invited to document their cases in the registry.

This provides us with reliable clinical data on COVID-19 in Switzerland.

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Extract from the registry questionnaire. Details can be found in the transfer file.

Generate data protection compliant and resilient figures now!

By using the Adjumed System for COVID-19 data entry, you are actively helping to obtain reliable and robust figures on infections in Switzerland. At present, Switzerland lacks a uniform, digital and data-protected system for collecting COVID-19 cases. This means that clinicians, epidemiologists and government decision-makers have to master the crisis blindly.

In organisational terms, the registry is to be set up in the same way as the AQC, with the difference that the data is made available anonymously as open data to all interested parties on a same-day basis. Active participation by the authorities and other bodies is explicitly desired.

If you are interested, we will create a trial account in the demo clinic at any time. Just email us at c19reg@adjumed.ch !
The registry questionnaire is available here.
The patient questionnaire (FollowUp) is available here.

I am interested. Please get in touch with me:

Our first introductory video gives you an overview of how to enter COVID-19 cases with Adjumed.net

Any questions? Our hotline is here to help:
+41 44 450 10 64