The evaluation tool for your medical data

New possibilities for data analysis
Individual filter sets for different users
Data analysis in real time
Anonymized benchmarking
In AdjumedAnalyze you have pre-definable evaluations with screen outputs, export as PDF, as Word (fillable and freely formatted like a form letter) and as Excel (with further evaluation options).
Individual benchmark comparisons across all variables are possible at all times. The user interface allows you to easily analyze your numbers.
AdjumedAnalyze Features
Evaluate your data collected in AdjumedCollect and AdjumedValidate directly in AdjumedAnalyze. Create filters for the questions of interest in an intuitive way, combine fields and find correlations, key figures and trends. Use your newly gained knowledge for MOMO conferences, compare yourself with the anonymised database of the participating clinics and create prospective and retrospective studies.
Versatile applications
AdjumedAnalyze opens new possibilities for your personal data analysis: Define queries for your key figures and find meaningful correlations. AdjumedAnalyze also offers a variety of uses for the creation of prospective and retrospective studies.
Individual filter sets for different users
Query filters can be freely defined and combined which allows complex questions to be answered. Save filter sets for recurring evaluations, such as MOMO conferences, so that you can access them at any time.
Data analysis in real time
Upon saving, the data collected via AdjumedCollect and AdjumedValidate are automatically transferred to AdjumedAnalyze. The data are therefore always up to date and immediately available for evaluation.
Anonymized benchmarking
Find out about the state of your hospital: Create your own peer group or anonymously compare your hospital to other participating clinics and hospitals at any time.
Our figures speak for themselves
active clinic departments
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