Project SMOB
Register for Bariatric Surgeries
Register for Bariatric Surgeries
The Federal Office of Public Health (Bundesamt für Gesundheit) relaxed the indication guidelines for bariatric operations in 2009, but at the same time stipulated that these operations would be documented in the future. The following year, the members of the “SMOB Swiss Morbid Obesity Study Group” began to record their operations on the basis of a slightly modified AQC questionnaire.
All AQC participants can expand the additional questions requested by SMOB to the cases they have already entered and have thus fulfilled the requirements with minimal effort. Everyone else has an uncomplicated way to document their SMOB cases.

“The SMOB chose the easy way for itself. It took the AQC questionnaire and had the missing fields filled in. Thanks to the evaluation options, the data required annually can be generated quickly and easily.”
Dr. med. Felix Bauknecht
Secretary SMOB