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New Article in the Journal of Surgical Education:

Appendectomy as Teching Operation: No Compromise in Safety – An Audit of 17,106 Patients

Claudio Canal · Julian Scherer · Dominique Lisa Birrer · Malte Johannes Vehling · Matthias Turina · Valentin Neuhaus


Objective: In a surgical career, teaching of surgical procedures plays a central role. In this study we want to evaluate the influence of teaching in appendectomies on the in-hospital outcome.

Design and setting: Retrospectively, 26,436 cases from the national quality measurement database (AQC) between the years 2009 and 2017 were evaluated using the diagnosis and the procedure codes. Included were all cases with appendicitis (International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes K35-K37), surgical treatment (appendectomy), and a documented teaching status of the procedure. Variables were sought in bivariate and multivariate analyses. The occurrence of any complication was the primary outcome, whereas in-hospital mortality was the secondary outcome.

Participants: A total of 17,106 patients with a mean age of 37 ± 19 years remained for final analysis. A total of 6267 operations (37%), were conducted as teaching-operations. Seventy-four percent of all teaching procedures were performed by residents.

Results: We found no statistical association between teaching operations and complication rates or mortality. However, the teaching group showed longer duration of surgery (+ 11%).

Conclusions: There was no influence of the training status of the appendectomy procedure on complication rates and in-hospital mortality. However, there was a prolonged duration of surgery. Despite these statistically significant differences, a comparable clinical outcome was observed in all patients, thus justifying the benefits of resident training.

Keywords: Appendectomy; In-hospital; Outcome; Teaching.

Read the full article here: Appendectomy as Teaching Operation: No Compromise in Safety—An Audit of 17,106 Patients – ScienceDirect